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Nash Elementary School

100 Burton – Nash, Texas 75569
 903.838.4321  |   903.831.7158


“I have determined that leadership is: Communicating to people their worth and potential so clearly that they come to see  it in themselves. It is the influence we have with others to help them discover their own voice, to find their own purpose, to make their unique contribution, and to release their potential, that truly defines leadership.”

Stephen R. Covey  

Liliana Luna

Stephanie Parker

Crystal Smith

Stephanie Parker

Our Goals:

  • To recognize and celebrate the cultural and socioeconomic diversity of our students

  • To maximize the potential of each student 

  • To develop community trust and support

  • To support our school with competent, committed and caring staff

These goals are essential in providing a quality education for all of our children

Bilingual Campus
Nash Planting Seeds Growing Leaders

Want to join the Nash Elementary Tiger Family?

  • Join your child for lunch.
  • Join Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS).
  • Meet regularly with teachers to monitor your child’s progress.
  • Schedule a classroom visit with the principal and teacher.
  • Participate in all activities throughout the year.

Grades: Pre-K thru 5     Student Enrollment: 656